I wanted to start this post off with giving you social proof behind the analytics of some methodologies that I have invented on the platform to show why I am writing this post to ensure to you that this is not only a worthy post to read but a timeless post to read.

As you can see, an account so little of following of mine being able to achieve such high organic  impressions should be nothing short of impressive to do with such a low number following.

I want you to understand this is what I have personally achieved and experimented with which you should take into account that not all of these strategies may work for you being you.

I don’t guarantee the same results but I can just you the method behind what I did to get these results.

Your Page.

From what I have examined from many different account sizes, my account, media company account and such is that Twitter is really pay to play just like every other platform.

If you want to maximize your visibility to the full amount of follows that you have gained, they want you to boost the post.

What I initially thought, was that my visibility for my post or even questions I ask are seen by 20 – 40 people and it may not even be people in my community who could answer some of my questions.

I watched an account that has 70k following get only 5k organic views from the platform which made me understand that the issue doesn’t lie within my account alone but other peoples accounts.

The way to best increase your reach of your audience is by reposting and quoting what you think about a post and that will highly boost organic reach because the algorithm sees that not only are you in rhythm with current popular discussions but that you are joining in on the conversation.

Videos and pictures seems to do much better than text which is to be expected and the more creative alongside unique in your content seems to do much better.

While we this post mainly pertains to creatives, you have to understand that spamming content does not work.

Your page should have your thoughts, say what you feel, say what you think but even though you want to introduce people to your amazing art all the time, it is not something to introducer over and over.

You can spread different content of your art like if you made a beat, you can talk about the cords, talk about the sounds you used, and much more of the same product but posting the same song over and over just looks like a big ad adversiment page.

Yes I’ve seen an artist do this and thought it was nuts but sooner or later they may figure it out.

If people come to your page and all they see is the same thing over and over then your posting of the same thing over and over then you only want to take away from them rather than provide them value.

It looks tacky and completely bad for your brand.

I want to tell you that I actually paid a dollar to get these results but I actually didn’t spend any money but I did spend a lot of time testing to get these results.

I wish that I could offer you a little better insight into how paid traffic works on the website and in the future I may take the chance to see how effective it works but as of right now, it doesn’t make much sense until I get enough engagement on my page to test out many different traffic methodologies that I developed.

The 1 Million Organic Impressions Day Goal

As you can see, the 4 million impressions that I gained were actually in quite a short amount of time!

In October 1st, I wanted a fresh start to test the algorithm to truly understand how Twitter worked.

This is when I began testing the platform to see how far and wide content on this platform travels.

I wanted to see why it travels, how it travels and where it travels to.

On October 6, was when the day I wanted to closely examine the theory of what I thought occurred to watch how far my post traveled through Twitter.

There were some bizarre ways that the app seemed to work as content that I posted see to get liked way later than I expected it to.

I mean there was content that I got likes and engagement from that was one October 1 which made me decide to explore the data of what I collect on October 7 which is why there is such a dip of impressions because I technically stop interacting with the platform to take notes of my results.

I measured the reach of the content by how much organic traffic that began accumulating to my guess the FYP and these pages very own traffic.

I took note of the amount of like on each post that marked a point of engagement.

Looked at and measures the distance of the retweets alongside the the account sized that retweeted the post.

The last thing that I looked at was the number of people that engaged within these post and the size audiences of the accounts that engaged in these post.

I took a deeper dive into the actually individual post to see what was being said and the likes, retweets within these subpost, and the organic reach within those post.

What I have learned from my observation is that Twitter has a ranking system in place that for each post.

The higher number of engagement on a post makes Twitter decide if the main post from an account is worthy of being displayed on the FYP.

What are all the metrics that I believe pushes content out to the algorithm to be understood as FYP ready?

The “cool kids” set the rules and everyone follows.

The answer simply comes down to have you ever been the cool kid in high school?

If not then this concept is hard to really explain from not being the cool kid but understand that there is always an in-crowd and an out-crowd.

I have been part of the in-crowd but I never was one of the “cool kids” that shunned the out-crowd.

In my upcoming book “The Hustler’s Rulebook”, I have a concept about the cool kid in “Rule #94: Every human first introduction should be of what you do, who you are, what you are trying to accomplish, and what you are about to do.” about the getting in with the cool kids.

Cool kid sets the trend, other cool kids set a similar trend, the other cool kids accepts that it’s the trend, or other cool kids sets another trend that overtakes a trend.

Not one time here did I say that cool kids copy another person’s trend because that’s just plain out distasteful.

Twitter like the internet is a place where there are a mixture of in-crowds and out-crowds of different types.

The in-crowd of gamers would consider the sneakerheads the out-crowd and so forth and so on.

Being that there is such a mixture of different crowds mixed together, some things are designed to be understood while other things are not understood.

Twitter analytics need a lot of work because 1 million impression in a day got me much different stats than you can see on the right but at the rate that my notifications have been going off due to how my post have been at the top of post, you should always expect a inaccuracy once you adapt my method.

To explain how I learned the Twitter algorithm, I had first examine a post using this post as an example.

As you can see, the higher the engagement that was all mention are determined by many factors that I already mentions such as repost, expands, and much more including your preferences of topics and interest that you want to see on your FYP.

Second this that I paid attention to is how post inside of a post becomes the first post that a Twitter user may see.

What I first thought was that being the first one there would be an indicator of what determines to be  considered what would rank the highest in a post but I watched a post of mine over time became the top post that got the most engagement for hours then become a lower rank due to not at much relevance of the title and message of my post.

The are typically 3 main central types of sentiments that you can portray on each post to join in a conversation that doesn’t disrupt the conversation.

You can portray emotions that would socially match the post, you can be informative about the subject at hand, or you can be motivational, inspirational, and so on so forth.

These are the main drivers of engagements under post that tend to achieve the most attention on Twitter.

Now, how the ranking under post rises to the top of a post is due to what post gets the most engagement depending on what is said, a picture that matches or doesn’t match the post but maybe comedy, and a video that can match the answer of the main post.

This is an example of how a post of mine went to the top of a post inside a post that outranked my regular post on that post.

What I had noticed is that other users did was comment on post on other people’s post down the post alongside having their own post.

I notice most of the post was just to gain attention to their account while I decided it would be best use the same tactic as them but do it in a manner that is authentic to who I am.

Twitter is a place where people are always looking to teach or give their opinions on things.

That can help bring engagement to your post but I recommend you doing it in a manner that is true rather than the bait tweets that are simply money grabs.

I get that people want to monetize their account and I’m a hustler, I’ll never knock someone’s hustle for them to make something of themselves but simply the best brands tend to reflect who they are and who they are not rather than just a money grab.

Also, one thing that I’ve taken notice to is there is a certain time period where twitter users join the platforms and the frequency in which content is consumed and gets another wave of likes, comments, repost and much more.

The Way To Brand And The Way To Not To Brand

Before we get into this discussion about the issue of the post above, let’s first consider the differences between Branding, Promotion, and Marketing.

For artist of all categories, Branding is the process of creating a certain tone of voice, logo colors, logo design, name, and much more that when people view your page there are little to no distinctions between who you are and who you are not in the mind of the consumer.

Branding is not a way to make sales but just to bring awareness to who you are, what your about, and what you can offer but your not actually selling anything.

While I was highly complimented on this post as music promotion, this actually isn’t a post that promotes my music but rather has my brand attached to the subject of the post.

This what I invented that’s called a branded post.

I do not talk about my song, I do not promote my websites or anything of the sort but I simply ensure to give people a chance to know who I am by directing them in a direction of who I am and what my brand is about.

If the Twitter users open up the post that most people don’t realize there are music attached until someone says this is music like this user said and admired the post, then they tend to take a listen to the song and comment.

Before I continue, you have to have built up resilience to understand that there are just miserable people who hate for no reason and you have to learn to not take it personally.

Everyone is mid, everyone is trash, and much more.

Branding generally doesn’t really make sales but can make sales as a byproduct of being introduced to who you are and what you do.

Promotion is advertising a product in order to get a user to do something that you want them to do.

This is an example of promoting a product.

In the text you see them talk about the product and have a video displaying the product.

Promotions is designed to be disruptive towards the conversation that kind of says “hey I know this post is about this subject but you maybe you may be interested in this today.”

As you can see, this isn’t what I actually do with my memes as I join in with the conversation that translates into followers by those who take notice that there is music attached to the memes.

This is music promotion that someone probably tried to copy what they see I do with little results because this is understood by Twitter users and probably twitter’s algorithm as an unpaid advertisement in which it doesn’t give it the organic boost of joining in on the conversation.

Why would Twitter give shine to a post that should be paid for because it is advertising and others are paying to get the attention that this user wants to get for free.

I have however, spoke to another artist who actually took my style of what I do for memes but did it with his song in a way that was disruptive through a still image.

He shown me the comments and his backends of the numbers he gained but the comments were people telling him that this is the wrong way to post his music and he took the time out to argue with them.

His idea was that he would turn those people into fans and I mean if it works it works if that his intention but I personally don’t think that it is worth the effort if when someone is telling you your wrong while they somewhat could be understood as right.

He got followers and liked but zero repost because it wasn’t relevant to the subject that made people relate to how they feel about a post.

As you can see, why my method works is that I don’t market or promote but simply brand myself as much as possible and then when or if people notice, they comment on the post about my music.

When people don’t know how things work, they end up calling it music promotion or call it a shameless advertisement 🤦🏾‍♂️ which I have a rule in my upcoming book that’s “Rule #44: Be understanding of other human’s beliefs even if it’s not palpable but do not let them engage with your life.”

This simply means, you don’t have to change peoples minds about what they think is right or wrong but let people live their best life believing what they want while continuing doing what best serves your best interest.

If what someone think or does doesn’t harm you or harm them, then I believe you should let them believe what they want being they won’t have anything to do with your brand either way.

Now understand that this isn’t really a golden rule that the artist who promoted their music did something wrong because I’ve seen other creators completely disrupt the post and gain traction towards their pages.

I’ve seen people do small movie clips that didn’t seem to matter and got traction so there is no real right or wrong but simply me explaining what I have found to be the most effective to me that grew my account.

Also remember when it comes to branding or marketing/promotion, people need to see you at least 7 times for them to make a decision that you are the right fit for what they deem influential enough to pay attention.

Now to what Marketing is.

Marketing is the act of saying this is what my product is and it fits who you are alongside what you want.

With my method that bypasses Twitters paid ads, you cannot market on the website using this method.

You can market once someone clicks your link and you have certain systems in place that allows you gain data online for who those people are that came off of Twitter to check your stuff out but without that you cannot market to people at all.

I would even go as far as saying that if you do not have systems in place to capture data, I wouldn’t even really recommend what it is I’m doing because leading them to a site you don’t own doesn’t do much for artist.

Tell me what you think below and what you’ve discovered about twitters algorithm.

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