How Breeze was feeling

The main idea of the beat that Breeze wanted to portray was a little bit of sadness. Breeze goal was to create an emotion of a female betrayed by her friends.


Breeze wanted a soft-sounding guitar sound.


The sound was actually pretty loud so Breeze lowered the sound of the bass guitar.

The Principle Behind Post Production

What we at Sykeside Records have learned from Breeze is this very step right here. Post-Production is looking at the beat at the point of a consumer listening to the beat.

What Breeze taught us is, he thinks to himself when he hears his beat what are the first words that come to mind? Is the beat happy or is the beat sad?

What time of year would it be appropriate to use this musical composition? Is it a summer sound or winter sound?

You won’t believe what breeze survived…

Did the beat outcome appeal more to a female audience? If so, should this be a girl I love you song or a girl I hate you song?

Did the beat outcome appeal more to a male audience? If that’s the case, should this be a designer, beef, or getting money song?

Is this a beat that we should make Breeze himself use or should we make him sell this beat to his audience?

Does the beat give the listener an in the car type bounce feel excited to get where they are going? If so should the lyrics match a good playlist for a 10 – 30 min car ride?

Would the listener dance to the beat and make a 60-second video for Instagram? Is the beat good enough for a group of dancers would want to do full choreography to the beat?

Does the beat speak to an audience that would want to listen to it on the radio? Does the beat appeal to only one genre or can it function across many genres?

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What artist can Breeze hear on this beat that would do the best job if they had lyrical content over it? Can the beat be used in commercials or for Youtubes videos to get their audience hype?

These are things that we at Sykeside Records seen Breeze taught us how he views his beats. Let us know what you think about the Post-Production process in the comment section below.

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—-> <—-

Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let our creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how we made you feel.

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