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The idea behind this contest is to highlight human excellence and help bring entertainment in these rough times.

Breeze will be creating 1 beat per day for 100 days to give the opportunity to 1 talented creator who Beat Breeze Beat for that day.

Out of all the creators who participate in the contest, only 1 with the most creative vocal, lyrical, and best created video will be chosen to be displayed on every platform the next day. 

This will give every content creator 24 hours to think of the best way to show case their talent. 

Content creators can be comedians, dancers, rappers, singers, story tellers, dancers, or even magicians.

Sykeside Records will review and highlight that artist talent on through a blog content and add your performance video on any platform.

Content creators can be comedians, dancers, rappers, singers, storytellers, dancers, and magicians.

In order to participate in the challenge, Creators must perform their talent using this hashtag #Breezebeatthebeatchallenge on any platform.

Sykeside Records will be reviewing that hashtag on every platform to choose a winner for the day.

After 100 days of all the Content Creators participating in this challenge, Sykeside Records and Breeze will round out the top 10 Performers on social media have social media brought their best performance to go to the final round.

The final round will be 10 Content Creator performing on any beat of their choice another against each other.

Out of those 10 Content Creators, only one can be the Beat The Beat winner. 

The winner will be rewarded Unlimited Lease Rights to one beat of their choice or will be given a Sykeside Records Service for Free and $500!

Help donate towards the creation process, from the creation of these blog posts to the creation of the music, services, and merch we create for you even if it’s 1$.

PayPal Tip Jar

—-> <—-

Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let my creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how I made you feel.

I’m in love with Snapchat! If you’d like to get in contact with me just scan the code.


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